With one St. Tropez tanning product sold every fifteen seconds and one St. Tropez spray tan performed every minute, St. Tropez is Australia’s NO.1 Tanning brand chosen by celebrities, professionals and beauty editors alike. The original tan, since 1996, St. Tropez’s wardrobe of products provides a natural looking, streak-free tan to suit every skin tone and lifestyle. Their multi-award winning, salon-inspired formulations are paraben-free, easy-to-apply, contain 100% natural tanning agent, as well as innovative Aromaguard™ Fragrance Technology for the ultimate tan with virtually no tell-tale aroma.
The main active tanning ingredient used in ST. TROPEZ formulations is Dihydroxyacetone (also known as DHA), which is derived from plant sources such as wheat and rapeseed. St Tropez use a 100% Natural Ecocert approved DHA called Vegetan, this is combined with a unique blend of skin conditioning ingredients (including Vitamin E) that protect and hydrate the skin whilst providing a natural looking tan. The DHA reacts chemically with the amino acids found in the upper epidermis (top layer) of the skin producing different tones of coloration from yellow to brown. Each person has a different level of amino acids which is why we all naturally tan slightly differently in the sun. In the same way, every self tan result is individual to you and tailors to your individual skin tone. DHA should be left to develop on the skin between 4-8 hours for optimum results. Vegetan Premium (used in ST. TROPEZ Self Tan Dark, Gradual Tan PLUS & our Professional Express Mist), has additional brown/black plant pigments to achieve a deeper tanning result.
Call to book your service today!
Half Body...........................................................................$25
Full Body............................................................................$45
Full Body 3 visit package................................................$105